
Christ Church 175 years


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The War Years

Sandown Bay ar war during its life time.

1943 - Shanklin's Darkest Hour

January and Februry 1943 would be a time Shanklin will never forget.

A Royal Isle

We take a look at Royalty who have lived and visited the Island.

An Olympic Journey

A look back to those who have represented various countries but were born or came from the Island.

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Historical films about the Isle of Wight.
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Christ Church 175 years


In April 2022 Christ Church is Sandown turned 175 years old. In this film we look at the church’s history, the vicars and what the church means to Sandown. This is the first in a series of films which is part of Growing up in the Bay, made by SVYCC films with the local Bay’s young people. The film is introduced and narrated by 19-year-old Thomas and featuring some of the young people of the church. Running time 52 minutes.

  • Narrated by Thomas Hunnybun
  • Blessing by Reverend Mark Williams


  • Immy
  • Neve
  • Layla
  • Malachi
  • Annabelle
  • Caitlin
  • Niall

Produced by Frank Blackwell & Richard Priest

Written & Directed by Kev Weeden

Running Time 52 mins. ©2022

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